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○■ However you wrote also la st year, the recommendation of the blessing one winding!
○■ 今日もなるべく楽 く成るよう... In order also for today if possible to become pleasant, the byte it perseveres, don't you think?… with and we probably will meet
○■ 今年は食べる事を えて海苔付... This year thinking of that you eat, although the laver to be attached, when it did, it was tasty! [tsu] [te], from flower dumpling or [a]? (Laughing), a liberal translation
○■ When super to going, “t he luck [wa] - “of the luck bean” counter being hung in sound of the speaker, inside” it seems that you insert in the shopping basket impulsively
○■ Because is, this year and w now in the blessing one winding tension lifting the bean firewood alone wastefully it leaps, does not make by your and the [te] the set [tsu] [chi] [ya] is with [konbini] don't you think? - now [konbini] depending on returning on the same day with w that it is completely convenient, the bean you bought, it is, but if regardless now, when the bean you buy, the surface of the ogre is given, it seems, a liberal translation
○■ というわけで今晩 ってきまし... With being the case that it is said, when the ´ω `which this evening goes) it goes in no 1 day lag being less crowded, the [te] it was good, is, a liberal translation
○■ Although with you say, wi th - with overtime work, a liberal translation
○■ と言っても過言で ないほどに... With saying, in the extent which is not overstatement,, a liberal translation
○■ So, it was not mere bless ing one volume, it tried making blessing one roll volume, a liberal translation
○■ たくさんの巻き寿 を見て、楽... Looking at the many winding sushis, in pleasant feeling…
○■ そして、店頭でも 類が増えて... And, type increasing even with the shop front, don't you think? it increases
○■ The [tsu] which does it i s and however it seems that is the crowd, I ate the blessing one winding gently silently at the house, if it is you do not pass the paragraph amount of this year especially important!! Furthermore me whom with, it has been about you will cling desperately and probably to be attached (laughing) the fierceness of the eldest son the work where you receive cold and receive, does not come and is 2 schedules we went to bed
○■ こんなに大きいん すよ!... So much, it is large, it is!
○■ Always, while to do every one and story, it is to eat the boiled rice, but today without speaking and the [tsu] [te] saying properly << south southeast >> while facing, not to talk either one word and this year asking the happiness of one year and be tasty (the *´д `*), a liberal translation
○■ 『おぉ!今年の恵 は、 南南... '[o]! This year blessing, south southeast!', a liberal translation
○■ This clock, even now it i s moving with active service
○■ (挑戦ってほどの じゃありま... (挑 Fighting, there is no thing of extent, but…)
○■ Also the pad did the bean firewood, a liberal translation
○■ それも、美味しか た〜... That, was tasty -, a liberal translation
○■ And last year in the same way, the [chi] which cannot achieve satisfaction with the little bean - “still you eat, -” it was agitation, (laughing)
○■ しかし、初めての 験だったの... But, because it was new experience, 2nd you laughed in, a liberal translation
○■ 「鬼は外、福は内 と声かけな... “As for the ogre outside, as for luck while inside” and voice applying, it sowed the bean, probably will be? Picking up, don't you think? you eat and the [tsu] [te] which sows the peanut it seems that the person who says is from the [re] [ru
○■ So, you did from nationwi de young time?
○■ あっという間に1 が終わり... Oh with while saying, 1 days ended, a liberal translation
○■ Because moat north is 25, don't you think?
○■ 恵方巻きを作って ったのですが... May be linked to more detailed information..
○■ This time, it receives th e food of decade!! Is
○■ もちろん鬼の嫌い イワシも綺麗... Of course also the sardine which dislikes the ogre consumed cleanly
○■ Temporarily, seeing south southeast how without, one year it perseveres healthily with this which you ate and increases
○■ ちなみに、私の周 にいる主婦で... By the way, with the housewife who is around me, as for the person who in paragraph amount made the blessing one winding with handmade it is not, it was normal to think that it is something which is bought