- Paragraph amount, a liberal translation
http://youchanblog.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/02/post-51ea.html “The bean” “does not wind however you ate,… blessing one”,, a liberal translation “La haba” “no le enrolla sin embargo comió,… la bendición una”,
- Appreciation to bean and blessing one winding
http://ameblo.jp/sougouvc/entry-11154188795.html “As for the ogre outside, as for luck while inside” and voice applying, it sowed the bean, probably will be? Picking up, don't you think? you eat and the [tsu] [te] which sows the peanut it seems that the person who says is from the [re] [ru ¿“En cuanto al ogro afuera, en cuanto a suerte mientras que dentro de” y a la voz la aplicación, él sembró la haba, esté probablemente? ¿Cogiendo, usted no piensa? usted come y [tsu] [te] que siembra el cacahuete que parece que la persona que dice es de [con referencia a] [ru
- February 3rd
http://africa-no-kirin.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2012-02-03 “In order not to let escape luck, it is and the [tsu] [pe] it is eat” the [tsu] lever it is what, don't you think?, as for truth, a liberal translation ¿“Para no dejar la suerte del escape, es y [tsu] [el PE] es come” la palanca [del tsu] que es lo que, usted no piensa? , en cuanto a verdad
- Did you find the information you're looking for? This person may know the things that you want to know.
http://ameblo.jp/87ai92saki/entry-10789863399.html “The ogre, the [kora] [tsu] [te] getting angry, when you throw the bean, escaping, the [ku]” the paper which by the way, the bean makes round “El ogro, [kora] [tsu] [te] consiguiendo enojado, cuando usted lanza la haba, escapándose, [ku]” el papel que a propósito, la haba hace alrededor
Volume Ehou, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,