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○■ 「1日は24時間 かないんです... “As for 1 days there are only 24 hours, it is!”With
○■ 桃「おい、良太郎 南南東って... The peach “to be, Riyoutarou! It is south southeast [tsu] [te] both what! This? This? Or that!?” Well “[momotarosu], that saying! Blessing one it winds to that and the large quantity has so, can eat entirely? (Wry smile)” the peach “when eating, if the food [tsu] it is not, [a]! Also Riyoutarou eats eats! Misfortune is passed how long, don't you think? Osamu, -!” Phillip “just a little you, having the blessing one winding so, raging, what it has done, it is the [i] which is?” It is good “the [a], the [re]? As for you…Phillip…?” Phillip “…As for keyword February 3rd, blessing one winding…Red ogre” pink “[tsu] [te] someone is the red ogre!!” It is good, “well, by mistake it is not, don't you think? [momotarosu]” Phillip “so, today is day what, paragraph amount, truly %
○■ 毎度恒例豆まきで 、私が鬼の... With the usual usual bean firewood, I attaching the surface of the ogre, the bean is poured
○■ Recently, because the ble ssing one winding (laughing) partner of [hayari] has not eaten it is the [be] it is - to be! Because with you say, becoming half price, don't you think? the cod, when with the mail doing ([se] dense w) super it goes to the work return, just the largest one just became half price Originally 2480 Yen the pole which is said it is thick the sea. Lord volume! … Lord [a]?! When (laughing) it is before the discounting, the [ro] which is not bought no matter what and is w
○■ 南南東・・・娘微 ですが... South southeast… it is the daughter delicate, but
○■ 恵方巻は、脱衣場 置いてたん... You put blessing one volume, on the divestiture place it is
○■ [buroguneta]: This year t he bean firewood it does? While participating densely it is, it is at paragraph amount tonight eating the blessing one winding, the bean firewood it does today even inside the shank
○■ 日本では、2月上旬 、「節分... In Japan, February first third, “paragraph amount (the [se] the [bu] it is)” with there is a custom which is said, a liberal translation
○■ The bean was eaten with! The nut [u]… it is it is the [ji] soybean it is! (As for number however just a little it is little,)
○■ 豆をぶつけられる と思いなが... That while thinking whether it can throw the bean, you returned home, but “as for eldest daughter this year the bean firewood it does not do”, that is
○■ Because today, there is r e-examination blood-collecting of the human dry dock which last year is received, it was breakfast pulling out
○■ タグ: 魔法少女ま どか☆マギ... Tag: Magical girl [ma] [do]? * Don't you think? [magika] 巴 [mami] it is mud well [gutsusumagutsudosumairukanpani]
○■ 2011年の節分 、おもしろ... The paragraph amount 2011, funny blessing one volume the decoy the [se] it did
○■ 今年はハーフ恵方 にして... This year, to a half blessing one volume, a liberal translation
○■ Paragraph amount! With be ing the case that it is said, because with special care is, even blessing one volume the [tsu] coming [yu] the [tsu] coming [yu, a liberal translation
○■ 我が家も恵方巻き 食べて
豆ま... The pad eating the blessing one winding, it did the bean firewood, a liberal translation
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