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○■ ということで今日 バレンタイン... With today Saint Valentine's Day is with the notion that where you say
○■ So, if the favorite, don' t you think? this time making in inside, the ♪ it was possible and as for building being tasty, the coffee before the receiving as for ~♪ me, drank with the consequence which the stomach full the stomach
○■ そんなこんなで節 もなにもせず... Nothing such a paragraph amount with does such a, end
○■ こんばんわぁ今日 バイトだった... Densely it is, after it is [wa] [a] today it was the byte reading, returning, blessing one volume eating, dinner eating, the bean firewood it did, 22 you ate properly, it is the [tsu] [te], being too tasty, above that you ate and passed and the [yu] - it was with such a such a, pleasantly [i] paragraph amount of laughing
○■ When “another lodging w ants to open, the how word which we would like to end at the next year previous term” is heard
○■ 『 恵方巻きのまる かぶり 』... 'It is round the photographic fog of the blessing one winding'
○■ と言われ、貰った のの…
は... Those which with are said, receive… Ending ......If how it utilizes, ...... South southeast ...... ......
○■ By the way, south southea st it probably will put out the direction of this year, is, but because Konko teaching does not question day handle direction, whichever facing, it is all right, a liberal translation
○■ ちなみにだんなち んは0.6... By the way is, because it is the [chi] [yo] it is about 0.6 go is, already a little we have become the rice & sea weed roll, a liberal translation
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