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○■ 喋Razu one word Close yo ur eyes toward the night of Setsubun Ehou of the year, which is customary for a bite and the winding thickness but thinking about a wish
○■ Setsubun Bean also gave t his (^^)/ Wa笑Wan today and I ate beans and wrapped in Ehou ← not believe that it is the worst, but I lost somebody stepped on a cutlet in school today Atashi Teka I usually notice about the size of a big thank you落Toshitara (u003d ω u003d;) Arinai Wa ...捨Temashita sumo test tomorrow and the day after tomorrow ... I in no hurry and want to play ← (^^)/ soon
○■ Today I went to the bean- Suwa Shrine in Yotsuya and friends always called back in the bean-Kindergarten to cold anyway sowing candy in the Kazusa has been swept up in elementary school but was a lot of candy Get It is time to go home - it had been nearly five hours, regardless of today s dinner and the wind direction Ehou Lightning convenience store, he did not he like to eat thick that eating a big bite wound, as the brother Naa --
○■ var so u003d new swfobjec t (rcflash09, 365, 200, 8, # ffffff); so.addparam (allowscriptaccess, always); so.addparam (wmode, opaque); so.write (rcflash09);
○■ Today is Setsubun Wa ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Setsubun Speaking volumes Ehou ate a wish thinking喋Razu facing west-southwest after ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ has rolled an enormous bean-issued with a mutter words to say Mashita
○■ Today was so close of win ter, raising the winding Ehou, beans from last month standby ok! Did enthusiastically! - Out of demons, demons are - outside, in the ~ Lucky, Lucky is ~ in! Roll the beans with Kake声
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