- 遁走と現実逃避
Now, the most interesting tonight, Escape is the word 現在,最有趣的今晚,“逃逸”這個詞
- めがある!めがない?
Alright, today we Okame s 好吧,今天我們岡女的
- 3年ぶりの海外旅行だ!マカオで年越し(Final)
Now it is finally final 現在是最後決賽
- 今日のGoogle(102)
Well, today is Setsubun ll be participating in the event of trouble Alteil -- 那麼,今天是Setsubun ll將參加這次展覽會的麻煩Alteil -
- 節分
Now, I eat at Tai Fook Na wound incidentally bought Ehou ♪ 現在,我吃那傷口大福順便一提買Ehou♪
- 節分に祈りを込めて?
Well, today I was Setsubun -- 那麼,今天我節分-
- 鬼は外!福は内!
Alright, I scatter the beans! ! 好吧,我揚起豆! !
- チョコレートまでデフレかよ的な出来事。
Well, tonight is also a number Ehou Kajirimashou even sprinkle beans 那麼,今晚也是一個數字Ehou Kajirimashou甚至撒豆
- 節分
The bean-済Mimashita also safely eat the rolls in Ehou Well 在豆済Mimashita也安全吃井卷在Ehou
Volume Ehou, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,