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○■ Also the grandchild who i s in the midst of lodging had expected to the pad, but… trying searching, there was no cherry tree where also the one wheel blooms
○■ 我が家の庭は水仙 過ぎ、椿も... Suisen passes the garden of the pad, also the camellia begins to scatter Sawayama and now the becoming dim and the plum have bloomed
○■ Thing of ordinary year it is the regrettable spectacle
○■ 今年も無事に桜を ることが出... Although this year it could look at the cherry tree safely, it is appreciation, a liberal translation
○■ Just one seems that is no t [someiyoshino
○■ ちょっと前にはク ッカスが庭... Just a little before the crocus here and there of the garden the [wa] the [wa] blooming, it increased, a liberal translation
○■ By all means, one time an d others please be and do
○■ 「ソメイヨシノ」 、まだ咲き... Also “[someiyoshino]” to start blooming, still, because was, without being defeated to the storm, the cute flower it had bloomed, a liberal translation
○■ As for [someiyoshino] her e whether weekend it was quantity, that, a liberal translation
○■ 【読者の皆様にお い】
是... By all means, please click the poll button of [enpitsu
○■ After all, also [someiyos hino] is slow from ordinary year
○■ 樹齢百年にはなる メイヨシノの... The moss has been stuck in the trunk whose [someiyoshino] which is hundred in tree's age is thick
○■ Today started seminar
○■ 今年の骨董展は、 しずめお皿特... It points the antique spreading/displaying of this year, [zu] [me] plate special edition, a liberal translation
○■ Of course, the God way co ming out, it planned the evolution of [someiyoshino], that if you can say, but thing is simple, that already is the world of [ohanashi
○■ そして、我が家に そばがやって... , a liberal translation
○■ Yesterday and weather bei ng good, it is Yonago where air temperature rises to the 20℃
○■ 昨日(6日)、千鳥ケ 一周を花... Yesterday (6 days), plover deep water lap flower taking walking
○■ This year it picked the s uitable lately earth writing brush, received tastily, a liberal translation
○■ 2012年1月1 日(土)... 2012 January 14th (Saturday)
○■ m (_ _) m→
○■ 4月8日、日曜日. .. April 4th 3 minute blooming
○■ When it passes on Tomei m idway, it descends, the line closely, a liberal translation
○■ 桜も咲いてきたが これは,ソ... Also the cherry tree bloomed, but, this seems that is not [someiyoshino
○■ However morning just a li ttle it is cold, the inside of the streetcar being warm, feeling is good
○■ 最後は天守閣の石 の左側にあ... End is the [kanhizakura] vivid color which is on the left side of the stone step of the castle tower
○■ Please ask regardless ahe ad of time
○■ 春めきちゃん、が ばれ〜♪... Spring [me] coming, be able to persevere, - the ♪
○■ As for the Hokkaido cherr y tree calling the [ezo] Prunus tomentosa, [someiyoshino] of main island likely with the big flower, a liberal translation
○■ 今朝はこんな感じ した... Now morning was such feeling