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○■ [kogera] being in the woo d of [someiyoshino] “of entertainments open space” vicinity, [gi] you had called. Approximately, it becomes appearance after 1 months, (as for previous appearance June 26th)., a liberal translation
○■ 「ランドスケープ ザイン」カ... Also the flower of the up-to-date article park “of landscape design” category blooming, more and more, spring it may become full-blown,… also the flower of [mimozaakashia] has bloomed
○■ 我が街でも、桜の 花を確認し... Bloom of the cherry tree was verified even in our town, a liberal translation
○■ Still until it becomes th e full bloom, it blooms kana? In addition, in addition spring of next year, it probably is to bloom?, a liberal translation
○■ こちら鎌倉では満 まであと数... With this Kamakura it is [someiyoshino] of rear several days to the full bloom, but where cherry tree of the Hakone hot water book as for the full bloom death Hakone old highway side road, a liberal translation
○■ 今年も濃い ピンク のお花が... This year flower of dense pink blossom -
○■ The cherry tree ([someiyo shino]) it ended, but because [shidarezakura] and [satozakura] now are season, that you thought whether the customer is many, but the parking zone 2/3 just has been buried
○■ 「花詞」カテゴリ 最新記事... The up-to-date article “of flower language” category love of bride seven change seven color of tongue and fang Nile which overcome difficultly
○■ Up-to-date article clear better seed “of Korokan mark Fukuoka castle mark Maizuru park” category! [me] [tsu] [chi] [ya] with good weather shank…
○■ 「花・葉・実・樹 草」カテゴ... Up-to-date article April 3rd cherry tree (cherry tree) [someiyoshino] 1 Japanese quince (becoming dim) snow willow ([yukiyanagi]) lawn cherry tree ([shibazakura]) “of flower leaf truth tree grass” category Mizuki Hyuga ([hiyuugamizuki]), a liberal translation
○■ However up-to-date articl e April 8 everyday day of the week “of flower” category you saw, - April 5th Thursday the Sakura cherry tree cherry tree walking! Walking!
○■ 最近の画像つき記
[ 画像一... Recent picture being attached article [to picture summary, a liberal translation
○■ ソメイヨシノ以外 桜が解説付き... The cherry tree other than [someiyoshino] is planted with the explanation attachment
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