- Time and pure American liquor…, a liberal translation
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/takkenm3/20120331 The warm rain falling from morning, it increases, but entering into the park, immediately [someiyoshino] of the telephone box side which is on the right bloomed, a liberal translation Теплый дождь падая от утра, оно увеличивает, но входя в в парк, немедленно [someiyoshino] стороны коробки телефона которая на зацветенном правом
- 2012, after a little to bloom of the cherry tree…, a liberal translation
http://kurokawa-yagai.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/03/2012-cd3b.html From morning wind with forcing shank От ветра утра с принуждать хвостовик
- The streetcar the ♪ which can be sat down
http://u-chan517.cocolog-nifty.com/1/2012/04/post-ad6c.html However morning just a little it is cold, the inside of the streetcar being warm, feeling is good Тем ме менее утро как раз немногая оно холодно, внутренность streetcar тепла, чувствуя хороша
- Equinoctial week
http://u-chan517.cocolog-nifty.com/1/2012/03/post-3fc4.html The [pi] [tsu] or the [pi] or the ♪ just a little it is cold from morning…, a liberal translation [Pi] [tsu] или [pi] или ♪ как раз немногая оно холодно от утра…
- kaze to tomoni sari
http://cocoa-kokoha.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/post-955c.html Weather became bad gradually from morning, gale among those started blowing Погода стала плохой постепенно от утра, шторма среди тех начатый дуть
Yoshino Cherry, japanese culture, Nature,