- Tsuzuki central park flower patterns (3/29), a liberal translation
http://ayuayux.cocolog-nifty.com/chari/2012/03/329-3f57.html It tried bringing up the just a little camera, a liberal translation Tentou trazer acima apenas a câmera pequena
- After it is Hanami,…
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/mujyoka/e/09158377a45115b6d699682e4fdb8a8b It was to be large [bungu] in the mothers who go out directly Era ser grande [bungu] nas mães que saem diretamente
- [someiyoshino] to bloom, passing, -.
http://ameblo.jp/hana1141/entry-11206878136.html Just a little, it will have been rushing,… Apenas um pouco, estará apressando-se,…
- O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.
http://hechima7.at.webry.info/201105/article_3.html Just a little before the crocus here and there of the garden the [wa] the [wa] blooming, it increased, a liberal translation Apenas um pouco antes do açafrão aqui e lá do jardim [wa] [wa] a florescência, aumentou
Yoshino Cherry, japanese culture, Nature,