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○■ portrait.of.pi rates dres s strong edition [tonitoni] chopper ver.2 selling agency: Mega house sale day:
○■ 2011/07/09)... 2011/07/ 09) , a liberal translation
○■ But (as for that, Maehara , other politician, as for you understand everyone, being the same,)
○■ (−.−; )... (− .−; )
○■ Prime Minister Noda dispe rses the House of Representatives, Lower House election, to the citizen should be chosen next term administration, a liberal translation
○■ 菅直人首相退陣に る変化は?... 菅 As for the change with Naoto prime minister resignation? However, even with Obihiro city, the mouth is hard, the person in charge “various conference has done, but there is also something related to reliance and, you do not have to be confused, because, you cannot comment from inside,” you said
○■ Regrettable because the m ass communications have not done functioning, is
○■ 日本人もマスコミ それが分か... The Japanese or the mass communications do not understand that, a liberal translation
○■ … [sanyori
○■ アメリカ人の学者 心配してい... Although the scholar of the American is worried, suffering area (person) compared to [obama] “you meet expectation”, in order that as for the inevitability which runs about, completely there is no Japanese prime minister
○■ Just a little it will study?
○■ そんな時は(少し なら当たり...
○■ You feel that and it foll ows to our public administration and 3 generations continues even with the Democratic party administration and it reflects the weight of the political responsibility which causes the abnormal situation where the prime minister changes with short term freshly, it wants showing in the citizen to tackle the topic solution in the true 摯,
○■ しかし、この記事 降民主党政... But, largely as for the current in order to be changing, you think with the formation and the American Kuniriki down of the Democratic party administration after this article,
○■ Well the “story is diff erent!”But current Democratic party administration does not say so is with just, but it has been similar
○■ これが本当だった 、閉ざす意... When this is true, there is no meaning of closing probably will be, a liberal translation
○■ Furthermore Question [ch i] and [mu] 1945 origin, a liberal translation
○■ 「お父さんに教え もらった、... “There is a sutra where those which it had teaching to the father, loses are found it is!”With, a liberal translation
○■ However, if in opportunit y, thing of radiation is inspected, about inspects Fukushima nuclear accident, a certain doubt to boil 々 and side rose,… “as for radiation perhaps, about it is said it is not dangerous with the world,…”, a liberal translation
○■ いずれにしても、 の前半戦と... In any case, the Democratic party the 菅 prime minister came to the point of being driven to predicament depending upon 2 successive defeats of at this first half game and the latter half game,, a liberal translation
○■ When being last the citiz en stands up vis-a-vis the bureaucracy which the profit of the citizen compared to makes the symbol economical benefit of vesting prefer, it has come
○■ 日本側が領有権を 張する法... Having started the laws conditional making to which the Japanese side insists possession right?
○■ Of course, there is lectu re even in January February, but, it became last as 2011, a liberal translation
○■ だが、現在の民主 政権には... But, this speech has meant intimidation with does not understand probably will be in present Democratic party administration
○■ (As for or less 1−2, ex cerpt from 12 date Japanese economic newspapers evening paper), a liberal translation
○■ 野田内閣の頼もし 戦力になるの... Becoming the war potential where the Noda Cabinet is reliable or becoming new fire kind?…, a liberal translation
○■ It probably is the standp oint where also the Liberal Democratic Party is painful in the cover
○■ 福島第一原発事故 後、ドイツが... After the Fukushima first nuclear accident, it has been expressed to also Germany hastening the deviation from nuclear plant
○■ The United States which i n the tidal wave by east Japanese large earthquake disaster is kept in the warehouse and the like gets wet, in Miyagi and Fukushima both prefecture the United States of approximately 10,100 ton is abolished has stopped obtaining
○■ 東京電力のように なりたくない... The Tokyo Electric Power way it probably is natural to think that we would not like to become,
Democratic administration,