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○■ As for current Democratic party administration, as for the Liberal Democratic Party administration compared to being parent special sub- administration, it is as known
○■ レキのブログ記事 絵... [burogu] article door picture of [reki, a liberal translation
○■ And new tendency was reco gnized
○■ このようなご発言 珍しのでは... As for this kind of speech it is unusual because?
○■ “ The up-to-date articl e of the truth” category which is not popular with the television 'It did at all,'…With qb house of thousand Yen > “庶… [bu] and coming September 2nd (Friday) “Fukushima playback losing, there is no Japanese playback”…So… [bu] and coming September 1st (Thursday) Examination verification of the Korean school gratuitous conversion (prime minister before the 菅…, a liberal translation
○■ 政権交代前の私た がなぜ国民... It probably means that we before the administration alternating why are expected from the citizen?
○■ As for Yamaguchi as for t he notion that where, it recovers unity “inside the Democratic party, it is connected to remembering the righteousness of administration alternation in the policy aspect on that
○■ しかし、民主党政 ってやつは... But, as for the Democratic party administration [tsu] [te] person ......, a liberal translation
○■ ⇒2012 year January 3rd (Tuesday): The age of the insecurity which it is in daze
○■ time goes by..... To time goes by… infinity thank you for visiting,…When you can like the contents of this [burogu],…At the above-mentioned button we ask also the register to various social book marks may with the button with respect to rss leader title
○■ 2012.01.07 22:13, a liber al translation
○■ (2012/1/5/no.34... (201 2/1/5/no.342)
○■ Requested the immediately withdrawal of examination from Prime Ministers Yosihiko Noda, a liberal translation
○■ 野党は本来政策論 与党を攻撃す... It does that as for the opposition party originally the place where it should attack the ruling party with policy theory, such a thing rather than with that removing, problem of politics and the gold, calling scandal, and such losing word, catching words' ending, bets the minister of state and party staff on question criticism resolution, uses that, pulls drives from that seat and lowers, and administration to predicament only
○■ 菅 The prime minister th e 4th night, converses at Ishii one secondary representation and the prime minister official residence of the Democratic party
○■ 自民党は政権運営 に言っていた... As for the Liberal Democratic Party at the time of administration management 'as for the opposition party which was said it opposes with anything', like you forgot of, after becoming the opposition party, (directing to administration recapture,) very that 'with what opposite!'It has become the opposition party
○■ The Democratic party, the air which crushes Japan? /Watabe Noboru one, a liberal translation
○■ 果たしてそうでし うか?そう言... As expected so probably will be? So is everyone, analyst who says the opinion which was said probably to know the Japanese production actual place truly? Already, becoming hollow advances, after the especially Riemann shock is advanced extremely
○■ Passing east Japanese lar ge earthquake disaster, “change” as for overseas spirit when it has started giving up in despair, the viewpoint is many in Japan which hesitates, a liberal translation
○■ 日本の明るい未来 語れる「政治... You can talk the future whose Japan is bright “the politician”!!! With coming out
○■ Being the original aide o f Ozawa Ichiro original representation pretending, the time when you borrow the dignity of the tiger just however it is, now, is the old person who betrays Ozawa Ichiro original representation, a liberal translation
○■ 原発事故のために 力不足になっ... In Kanto district which becomes electricity shortage as for becoming very dangerous state you are not wrong is because of nuclear accident, a liberal translation
○■ Current Democratic party administration attaching the beginner mark, has done meandering driving unsteadily, the course which should advance without being visible, simply, just it has hung on in the rudder
○■ オバマ政権も雇用 策や公共事業... You say that also [obama] administration tackles employment policy and public works projects the countercyclical measures of Keynes type in the axis, in advances also restoration of sound government finance in the long term
○■ Why, a state where “wit h deflation the tax revenue does not extend” being continued?
○■ と言っても、日本 で節電してる... With saying, it conserves electricity with you cannot think in Japan,, a liberal translation
○■ And, someone losing?
○■ しかし「現実」を にした答弁は... But the reply which designates “actuality” as before texture was at all bad
○■ Forever nothing which it tries probably to remain in the same position do, lazily, it is sticky meaninglessly it has done
○■ 民主党代表候補者 出揃いました... The Democratic party typical candidate appeared, a liberal translation
Democratic administration,