- After so long a time, the recommendation of public works projects!
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/sizukani/e/c1e6c4a02a08f070801a91cc753f562b You say that also [obama] administration tackles employment policy and public works projects the countercyclical measures of Keynes type in the axis, in advances also restoration of sound government finance in the long term Você diz que também a política de emprego dos equipamentos da administração [do obama] e as obras públicas projetam as medidas anticíclicas de Keynes datilografam dentro a linha central, na restauração dos avanços igualmente da finança de governo sadia no prazo
- May be linked to more detailed information..
http://watch2008.at.webry.info/201110/article_1.html It means that [obama] administration relieves Significa que a administração [do obama] alivia
- Mit Zeitplan besichtigten 5 Tage, Liberaldemokratische Partei Ishihara des Generalsekretär-Nobuaki die Vereinigten Staaten ab dem 11. Dezember, das Japanisch-Amerikanische Gipfeltreffen des Premierministers und [obama] wurde Präsident Noda Unbestimmtheitaufschub. Was Lebenserwartung anbetrifft des Noda-Kabinetts innerhalb 6 Monate?
http://blog.livedoor.jp/gold_7777/archives/51842425.html It was to deepen [obama] administration and the Liberal Democratic Party cooperation, to confer the strengthening step of Japan-U.S. alliance Era aprofundar a administração [do obama] e a cooperação liberal do partido Democratic, para conferenciar a etapa do reforço da aliança Japão-EUA
- It resists the government which continues to threaten Okinawa large visit to the United States group dispatch, a liberal translation
http://53317837.at.webry.info/201111/article_8.html As for [obama] administration why now, strengthening pressure? Quanto para à administração [do obama] porque agora, reforçando a pressão?
- It knocks down our public coalition government, it reads the American aim of being born the Democratic party administration and solves. As for Prime Minister Noda from the United States with TPP participation and Futenma base moving problem “stepping on and the picture” 踏 surpassing?
http://blog.livedoor.jp/gold_7777/archives/51825644.html When the topic which is told harshly from [obama] administration is not actualized, that Noda administration is not designated as the partner, it threatened the United States Quando o tópico que está dito áspera da administração [do obama] não é actualizado, essa administração de Noda não é designada como o sócio, ele ameaçou os Estados Unidos
- kome �� genpatsu �� fuyu no jidai �� / genpatsu hoyuu kuni ha senzaiteki kaku busou kuni
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kanayame_47/e/3981be439b97d2162976296c511b5f36 [ekuseron] with the American most major company of the nuclear management which possesses the nuclear 17 basis, receiving the nuclear propulsion policy of [obama] administration, 3,900,000,000 dollar (approximately 324,000,000,000 Yen) advanced super large-scale investment plan [ekuseron] com o americano a maioria de companhia principal da gerência nuclear que possui a base 17 nuclear, recebendo a política nuclear da propulsão da administração [do obama], 3.900.000.000 dólares (aproximadamente 324.000.000.000 ienes) avançou a planta de investimento em grande escala super
Democratic administration, Politics ,