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○■ Recent picture being atta ched article [to picture summary, a liberal translation
○■ 小沢氏事件を見て ると業者が頼... When you look at Ozawa incident, rather than saying that the trader comes to request, the politician
○■ It reached the point wher e also large number of the citizen requests the dispersion within year, a liberal translation
○■ 代表選3連敗で小 氏の求心力は... With representation selection 3 successive defeats as for Ozawa's centripetal power it keeps decreasing
○■ It shows also the fact th at the Democratic party which put out enterprise & group donation prohibition with manifest (administration pledge) has not submitted the prohibition bill, “degree of seriousness is questioned”, that you expressed
○■ ブログランキング 参加していま... It participates in [burogurankingu
○■ The case of the Chernobyl accident, directly underground water measure was done, but that was the Japanese technology
○■ もはや完全に在日 奴隷状態の日... Already completely in the Japanese of slave state of resident, going down to the troop gate of resident nation, it means to receive
○■ However, it seems that th e people of the senior wanted to return to administration quickly, itchy will be, a liberal translation
○■ つまり、我が血液 直接強制冷却... In other words, it is the case directly forced cooling our blood
○■ Therefore very since poli tical financial readjustment method being enacted, hundreds cases and thousands cases there being the report mistake and inadequate statement of innumerable extent, those which do not accompany substantial crime including also the simple untrue statement which investigation is said, were processed by the fact that it corrects all income and outgo reports without exception,, a liberal translation
○■ それは、立法府に る議員ですら... That, probably is similar with even the Assemblyman who is in the legislature
○■ But, never there is no su ch an expectation
○■ これに対して、中 は新シルクロ... Vis-a-vis this, as for China new Silk Road railroad plan makes, a liberal translation
○■ Therefore this as for the Japanese politician thoughtless crisis of the house compared to the pasteboard dump of foresight is respected you say that is the life taking,
○■ このためテレビや 聞を見ている... Because of this if only you watch at the television and the newspaper, change of this year cannot be grasped, a liberal translation
○■ Whether saying, there is no force even in the Liberal Democratic Party of the opposition party, it does not feel the power which replaces
○■ 「日本経済は全治 年... “As for the Japanese economy complete cure 3 year
○■ President Liberal Democra tic Party Tanigaki said, “it is farce”, that but so that was swindled successfully, the opposition party which submits the non confidence resolution which has the impression of saying, or being caught
○■ 民主党政権は、こ まで誤った政... As for the Democratic party administration, it was not possible, so far to manage the bureaucracy with erroneous political main leadership, unless it is confused the National Diet with self-righteousness National Diet management, goes well it shifted responsibly
○■ But revival tax increase is no more than a prologue, a liberal translation
○■ 東日本大震災復興 た東北地... Highway free conversion of the expectation which starts with the purpose which supports it is the physical distribution to northeast district of east Japanese large earthquake disaster revival
○■ With compilation of the b udget process of 2009 end of year, Democratic party Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa, declared that this budget is reduced by half,, a liberal translation
○■ 菅政権はどうなっ ゃっている... Is 菅 administration how probably the [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] to be? That [taga] has loosened, you say that you say, or there is no motivation?
○■ Accident of the Fukushima first nuclear plant has raised the new question, control of the expert group
○■ 日本の政治改革、 界再編の歴... It indicates the fact that it is the human group which intends politics with the shallow motive which historical meaning of the Japanese political reform and political world reorganization or expectation of the citizen you do not understand, as for the political insistence, Ichiro their counter Ozawa, the slogan which Ichiro's Ozawa Sinsei party put out, “from Junichiro's Koizumi official the slogan to the people”, as for that being based on personally, it is not anything less than being consistent, insisting that it is the standpoint where it denies the Democratic party administration pledge which should stand personally
○■ Behavior of government is cool even excessively in suffering area
○■ 原発反対論者は、 発の危険性... The nuclear opposite disputant insists the danger of the nuclear plant actively, a liberal translation
○■ As for Japan Communist Pa rty and the corporation people party, it cannot confide administration and, you cannot approve to the Liberal Democratic Party and others, therefore say that you are absent,
○■ 傑作動画…尚…ツ コミ所満載... Masterpiece animated picture…Furthermore…It is [tsutsukomi] place full load…(¯ - ¯) the wicked laughing laughing Japanese actual condition! Japan which verges to crisis: Day Korea dispute general statement cultural plundering and one consideration regarding historical distortion
Democratic administration,