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○■ And, those public powers were utilized, it is Ministry of Foreign Affairs bureaucracy, a liberal translation
○■ (読む価値のある記 事だったらク... (When it is article which has value which is read click we ask)
○■ Time of 36 disaster 50th anniversary disaster local rounds of Nakagawa village board of education sponsorship of [za] filter sight 12 day, in story of the art and science member, in story of the case where part falling everyone dies, the baggage of the house which first is in disaster you went out to taking with everyone and when the baggage was lowered with delivery, the following collapse occurred, when people everyone who worked on the site became sacrifice is
○■ 民主党石川県連と ては、初めて... As the Democratic party Ishikawa prefecture ream, to be new heroic deed, future, a liberal translation
○■ It is supplementary budge t because of east Japanese large earthquake disaster correspondence, but approximately 2,000,000,000,000 Yen it is little even excessively being insufficient, the time when it comes out after the earthquake disaster 4 months later is too slow, a liberal translation
○■ 自民党は、党内改 はまるでで... The Liberal Democratic Party does not do, intraparty reformation it is fixed being,, a liberal translation
○■ It probably is the place the Democratic party 菅 administration such as surprise, a liberal translation
○■ 民主党政権内にも 数は少ない... Number it is little, seems that the person who has spirit remains even inside the Democratic party administration
○■ Ozawa Ichiro original rep resentation (68) of the Democratic party let stand in the cliff [tsu] [pu] [chi
○■ 民主党政権様のお げで仕事は... Work decreases with the Democratic party administration way favor, the [ro] which is the meaning non [e] ~ where also the customer decreases, is such a gold!
○■ Popularity article misgov ernment of this [burogu] is more fearful than the tiger
○■ 民主党政権のよう 、政治家が... Like the Democratic party administration, if the politician enters into many governments, it becomes political main leadership with you do not think, a liberal translation
○■ Up-to-date article Januar y 5th (Thursday) “of weblog” category December 31st (Saturday) December 31st (Saturday)
○■ 民主党政権下では 抜け駆け&イ... Under the Democratic party administration “because the person who uses forestalling & illegal expedient becomes large portion, you are moved by the wind that the harmful influence has closed up”,
Democratic administration,