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○■ 消費税増税法案成 に協力して... , a liberal translation
○■ それにしても巧妙 なー...
○■ 野田首相(民主党 表)は8日、... , a liberal translation
○■ 野田政権は、その をまず自覚し...
○■ 小沢氏は「政権交 の原点に返り... , a liberal translation
○■ しかし、生物兵器 はそれができ... , a liberal translation
○■ マスコミや組。背 のある集団に...
○■ アメリカの核の 攻 撃対象は、北...
○■ These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
○■ (2012年5月31日01時...
○■ 尾瀬2009年7 ...
○■ 東日本大震災支援 動写真展を見... , a liberal translation
○■ 民主党政権下の未 有の災害は... , a liberal translation
○■ 民主党政権の2年 余 、「過... , a liberal translation
○■ 民主党政権下の 行 政救済制度... , a liberal translation
○■ このブログの人気 事
5月... , a liberal translation
○■ , a liberal translation
○■ 民主党政権下での 責閣僚は計6... , a liberal translation
○■ 民主党政権
○■ It is the case that crisi s has come before the eye even in the tidal wave of power failure and 5 meters
○■ 以下はインタビュ の一問一答... Below one question one answer of interview
○■ “Day” has not entered into name however in Kanemasa favor
○■ では一体誰が最適 というと、... So one someone the optimum when you say, that probably will be the “Koike lily child”, a liberal translation
○■ Nevertheless you were sur prised in news of the Hitachi and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries management integration
○■ そういう甘い希望 許さないの... Such the fact that sweet desire is not permitted is present Democratic party administration
○■ When, you do not understa nd whether around, but as for the conception which the Democratic party harbors, you think that it was not something which, at bipartisan of the Liberal Democratic Party and the Democratic party, keeps taking over administration,
○■ ◆記事:首相、1 上旬に訪米... * Article: The prime minister, in January first third to visit to the United States in weapon export three principle relief statement desire (product sutra newspaper December 1st (the wood) 1:47 transmissions) Prime Minister Yosihiko Noda first third in of January of next year before the ordinary diet session opening a meeting, visited American Washington entered into American side and adjustment with the direction which converses with [obama] president, a liberal translation
○■ y-fp office japan
○■ tppで本性を露わに る野田... Prime Minister Noda who with tpp makes true character open
Democratic administration,