- Learn from past history,…The beginning of the year economic miscellaneous impressions
http://tac-zassouki.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-5a57.html 5.15 If legend of incident, “you speak, vis-a-vis the word that you understand,” “indisputable” answering an anecdote ...... that you murdered the prime minister,In order to be, many of the Assemblyman of the party putting out many problematical points, than the advantage of tpp it opposes, advocating prudent theory, you just put in place only 1 days with the judgment of the prime minister (executive committee) it decides participation 5.15 Se a legenda do incidente, “você fala, em frente da palavra que você compreende,” “indisputável” respondendo a uma anedota ...... que você assassinou o primeiro ministro, a fim ser, muitos do Assemblyman do partido que põr para fora muitos pontos problemáticos, do que a vantagem do tpp que opor, advogando a teoria prudente, você apenas põr no lugar os dias somente 1 com o julgamento do primeiro ministro (Comité Executivo) decide a participação
- Confusion of the Korean national assembly with American Korea FTA bill ratification the Japan with TPP near future…Outside 患 attraction of false left flank mass media, a liberal translation
http://passer-by198.cocolog-wbs.com/blog/2011/11/ftatpp-0a7c.html Danger of tpp participation with respect to the Japanese web size picking up… Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
- Party constitution of the Imperial Family negligence… again…
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hart_no_ace/e/99865505fdcc1adb2ada2962137fd45a Prime Minister Noda who with tpp makes true character open Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
- Le mensonge et Noda de Yosihiko des médias qu'avec TPP « grand accord-cadre » est divulgué handicapés
http://passer-by198.cocolog-wbs.com/blog/2011/11/tpp-c7ec.html You read the request for the Japan with tpp and you become the help which is solved, probably will be… Você lê o pedido para o Japão com tpp e você transforma-se a ajuda que é resolvida, provavelmente será…
Democratic administration, Politics ,