- Those which conversation with [kitsushinjiya] means
http://coffee-eclair.at.webry.info/201111/article_9.html “Japan protected the domestic market from the competition which has meaning over long time,”, that criticism “Japão protegeu o mercado interno da competição que tem o significado sobre o tempo longo,”, que desaprovação
- Year-end bargain of brave word
http://ameblo.jp/statesgrow/entry-11121667222.html “As for the Japanese economy complete cure 3 year “Quanto para à cura completa da economia japonesa 3 anos
- The 菅 coalesces Ichiro Ozawa and with the troika +1+ constructs Kamei system, carrying out large remodelling of the Cabinet
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/youteifan6/e/f6de3da072110bbb34f739fb00e0728f “For long-term prosperity of the Japanese economy there is no nuclear plant,” “Para a prosperidade a longo prazo da economia japonesa não há nenhum central nuclear,”
- sekai kara shinyou sareru wake ga nai minshu tou seiken
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/gechiku3/diary/201106140001/ The [ri] which “, the Japanese technology the greatest in the world” advertising, the nuclear plant sells and sows, a liberal translation [Ri] que “, a tecnologia japonesa o grande no mundo” que anuncia, o central nuclear vende e semeia
- Fukushima nuclear melt down and compensation, the “operation sheet”, 3 the machine… that it is. Tokyo Electric Power Company should dismantle nationalizing,
http://46460707.at.webry.info/201105/article_12.html “Japan is strong”, “Japan calls one” and so on, but to make the correspondence where just, someone of atomic energy villages, the review does the operation sheet, is better “Japão é forte”, de “as chamadas uma Japão” e assim por diante, mas para fazer a correspondência onde apenas, alguém de vilas da energia atômica, a revisão faz a folha de operação, é melhor
Democratic administration, Politics ,