- 1,000,000,000,000 Yen put out to the district the [tsu]… the [te]!
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/udonsobaudon22005/e/63f09c74b7cbe6cc4280a69e135b312b Therefore this, it is said that it is the Democratic party administration of political tone-deafness, 所以这,据说它是政治口气聋的民主党管理,
- To the Chinese foreign student privilege the Dowa privilege which bears
http://doutokuren.at.webry.info/201108/article_17.html This east Japan…When so it was not and it was south Japanese large earthquake disaster or Kyushu large earthquake disaster, you think that also correspondence of the administration political party was different completely,, a liberal translation 这东部日本…,当没如此它是,并且它是南部日本大地震灾害或九州大地震灾害,您认为也管理政党的书信完全地是不同的,
- Going out the parenting support which goes and the deviation from nuclear plant, a liberal translation
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/taiyonomiti/diary/201108250000/ Therefore this the citizen thinks that interest keeps being gone in politics,, a liberal translation 所以这公民认为兴趣在政治保留去,
- Countdown to the Japanese disappearance
http://ameblo.jp/matsumoto-bunny/entry-11110986857.html This is possible, if is, using the Japanese foreign reserve, about it is good supporting', we should call, but the politician who to the Democratic party administration can do to the Liberal Democratic Party administration of margin and before margin and honest diplomacy is not, has become the appearance whose Korea is good 这是可能的,如果是,使用日本外币储备,对此是我们应该叫的好supporting',,但是到民主党管理能做到边际自由民主党管理,并且在边际和诚实的外交之前不是的政客,成为了韩国是好的出现
- This week occurrence①(5/30~6/2)
http://tsuri-ten.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/06/53062-a725.html Therefore this as for the Japanese politician thoughtless crisis of the house compared to the pasteboard dump of foresight is respected you say that is the life taking, 所以这至于房子轻率的危机与远见厚纸转储比较的日本政客的被尊敬是生活采取的您说,
Democratic administration, Politics ,