- Japan “it is shape being,” it put out, < constitutional government nation > in the day when the signboard was lowered, desiring to Ichiro Ozawa.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/veritas21/e/b80750e5e6e31fcb5083c6aa0f9f3911 In other words, when it is truth, quibbling desired observation Es decir cuando es verdad, observación deseada que utiliza subterfugios
- (13) Coluna da publicação 2011 de maio 1ø (sentença longa)
http://ameblo.jp/asuka0055/entry-11070414551.html In other words, it is the case that it is the sufficient story which ahead sends the debt of foresight to the last, a liberal translation Es decir es el caso que es la suficiente historia que a continuación envía la deuda de la previsión a dura
- The United States which can deepen irritation in TPP which reaches the limits
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/critic11110/e/bf0bdbc35de7f20c17dabd8c1a264c1b In other words, it is the case that thought of the American side that we would like to put out the result with apec as whatever is visible Es decir es el caso ese pensamiento del lado americano que quisiéramos que pusiera hacia fuera el resultado con el apec pues lo que es visible
- 菅 Naoto to reads the background which is converted “the deviation from nuclear dependence” empty “counter nuclear plant” and solves. 菅 As for the execution for Naoto “hara-kiri”, or “in regard to the city drawing around, it executes in the fire roasting”, death penalty?
http://blog.livedoor.jp/gold_7777/archives/51803127.html In other words, understanding circumstance, it is the expectation which it agrees to the political donation of 62,500,000 Yen Es decir circunstancia de comprensión, es la expectativa que conviene la donación política de 62.500.000 Yenes
- It probably will keep cooling positively, [2011 July 1st week total 21 week
http://stone.tea-nifty.com/blog/2011/07/20117121-0ca1.html In other words, it is the case directly forced cooling our blood Es decir es el caso forzado directamente refrescando nuestra sangre
Democratic administration, Politics ,