- If it is not necessary to dream, it is not necessary to be discouraged. You must be cautious, the fact that on the other hand probably is joy and sorrow.
http://thomas-aquinas.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-f266.html But the expectation that “from tomorrow society everything changes”, is dangerous Pero la expectativa que “de sociedad de la man¢ana todo cambia”, es peligrosa
- A little more than 150 black boat visit after the year? As for TPP with opening of a country” ““national ruin” or “national isolation” “national ruin”?
http://henkaku-kisetu.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/tpp2.html But aren't the times that only saying it should have made “growing” it is thing, to have been about probably to end? ¿Pero no son los tiempos que solamente decirlos deben haber hecho “crecimiento” él son cosa, haber sido extremo alrededor probablemente?
- Passing wastefulness in device of the revival revenue source, the economic support gold to [ru] hostile country as for tax increase conception of not cutting off, receiving economic control to the hostile country, in the [ru
http://buster21.at.webry.info/201109/article_34.html But the reply which designates “actuality” as before texture was at all bad Pero la contestación que señala “actualidad” como antes de que la textura estuviera en todo malo
- dokuzen sugi ta kan naoto toiu shushou no owari ni
http://53317837.at.webry.info/201108/article_29.html But the opposition party was cautious to the word, “dictatorship”, a liberal translation Pero el partido de oposición era cauteloso a la palabra, “dictadura”
- recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
http://ameblo.jp/warabidani/entry-10909652130.html But “we do not grasp that kind of fact”, that you reply Pero “no agarramos esa clase de hecho”, eso que usted contesta
- kyou no tsuitta^
http://ameblo.jp/ryutama2/entry-10924941175.html But “road conception of light” is the national strategy Pero el “concepto del camino de la luz” es la estrategia nacional
Democratic administration, Politics ,