http://ninjinmoon.at.webry.info/201109/article_1.html Problem of the water quite is important even in the nuclear accident El problema del agua es absolutamente importante incluso en el accidente nuclear
- Large earthquake disaster 6 month
http://ameblo.jp/lovely-voice-erika/entry-11013565130.html In nuclear accident and the like, it was possible to make the framework which is squeezed to the purpose of specification temporarily En accidente nuclear y similares, era posible hacer el marco que se exprime al propósito de la especificación temporalmente
- Ichiro Ozawa talked, “the leader (from in group of people folly only group of people folly) of the nuclear plant/nation/as for the mass communications model of the place where the Japanese is bad”
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kanayame_47/e/07054553198ab40d7c968435f43f5c21 To a nuclear accident no one takes responsibility, a liberal translation A un accidente nuclear nadie toma responsabilidad
- genshiryoku kokka tero ��
http://jiyuu-gennsou.at.webry.info/201106/article_4.html It has been clear in the nuclear accident Ha estado claro en el accidente nuclear
- kyoufu no tenkiyohou
http://tamaty-kingdom.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/post-9b5d.html In Kanto district which becomes electricity shortage as for becoming very dangerous state you are not wrong is because of nuclear accident, a liberal translation En el districto de Kanto que se convierte en escasez de la electricidad en cuanto a convertirse en estado muy peligroso usted no es incorrecto está debido a accidente nuclear
- From heaven wooden Naoto's [burogu] farcical of Tsune tear and Watabe of Kosako participation three
http://moto-0358.at.webry.info/201105/article_1.html When you look at the people who have taken the home in the nuclear accident, it cries, and so on with it has performed before the television Cuando usted mira a la gente que ha tomado el hogar en el accidente nuclear, grita, y así sucesivamente con él se ha realizado antes de la televisión
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