- Rescuing domestic official building
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/tadhayase/60853402.html Noda with the program and the like of TV Tokyo Channel 12, Ltd. of 13 days, “the ruling and opposition parties opening bosom, you discuss, the rescuing domestic official building should be made” that you express, “you would like to correspond on the basis of the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito opinion”, you said, a liberal translation Noda com o programa e semelhante da canaleta 12, Ltd. de 13 dias, “os partidos da tevê Tokyo do ruling e de oposição que abrem o peito, você discute, o edifício oficial doméstico do salvamento deve ser feito” esse você expresso, “você gostaria de corresponder com base no partido Democratic liberal e opinião de Komeito”, você disse
- Politics of work place of town place., a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/get_amplifier_99/e/e0477d54e461ef5251611b2c7635e719 “That person is useless”, is when, “the [ma] - you want, such a thing saying, the [ru], the [tsu] you want!” And so on and so on, a liberal translation “Essa pessoa é inútil”, é quando, “[miliampère] - você quer, tal dizer da coisa, [ru], [tsu] você quer!” E assim por diante e assim por diante
- * The passive information environment which the face book starts making, a liberal translation
http://cws-osamu.cocolog-nifty.com/cws_private/2011/08/post-711b.html “Don't you think? it is good”, that the person who is said it was, but the person that it was continue, “Você não pensa? é bom”, isso a pessoa que é dita que era, mas a pessoa que era continua,
http://blog.livedoor.jp/miore2009/archives/51807155.html “There is a sutra where those which it had teaching to the father, loses are found it is!”With, a liberal translation “Há um sutra onde aqueles que teve o ensino ao pai, percam sejam encontrados que é! ” Com
Democratic administration, Politics ,