- Ichiro Ozawa talked, “the leader (from in group of people folly only group of people folly) of the nuclear plant/nation/as for the mass communications model of the place where the Japanese is bad”
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kanayame_47/e/07054553198ab40d7c968435f43f5c21 Tokyo Electric Power is bad, it means that the dense Tsuga where the fellow is bad, it is bad,, a liberal translation Tokyo que a energia eléctrica é má, ele significa que o Tsuga denso onde o companheiro é mau, ele é mau,
- It probably will keep cooling positively, [2011 July 1st week total 21 week
http://stone.tea-nifty.com/blog/2011/07/20117121-0ca1.html Tokyo Electric Power and the Democratic party administration, think that our Japanese are designated as the moss,, a liberal translation A energia eléctrica de Tokyo e a administração do partido Democratic, pensam que nossos japoneses estão designados como o musgo,
- 251789
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kintaro-chance/e/7f473b5254413c7784580beb06959846 According to Tokyo Electric Power, although 1,000,000 kilowatt it generates electricity, as for the area of the necessary solar optical panel 67 square kilometers De acordo com a energia eléctrica de Tokyo, embora 1.000.000 quilowatts ele gerem a eletricidade, quanto para à área dos quilômetros quadrados do painel 67 óticos solares necessários
- kome �� genpatsu �� fuyu no jidai �� / genpatsu hoyuu kuni ha senzaiteki kaku busou kuni
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kanayame_47/e/3981be439b97d2162976296c511b5f36 The Tokyo Electric Power way it probably is natural to think that we would not like to become, A maneira da energia eléctrica de Tokyo é provavelmente natural pensar que nós não gostaríamos de se tornar,
- The Tokyo Electric Power atomic energy compensation scheme should direct the eye to also basic problem
http://aruconsultant.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/post-5f23.html Also the plan which designates the Tokyo Electric Power burden as annual 200,000,000,000 Yen has been reported at part, but if before the indemnity paying Fukushima first accident processing must be done, when, unskillfulness does, that you think whether with just accident processing is not the deficit, Igualmente a planta que designa o Tokyo carga da energia eléctrica porque o anuário ienes foi relatado na parte, mas se antes que a indemnização que paga processamento do acidente de Fukushima o primeiro dever ser feita, quando, unskillfulness fizer, aquele você pensa se com apenas acidente processar não é o deficit,
Democratic administration, Politics ,