- Good morning ^●^ one
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ken1949naka/20132656.html But also responsibility of the citizen who throws 1 votes which leave administration to the Democratic party is large, a liberal translation Mas igualmente a responsabilidade do cidadão que joga os votos 1 que deixam a administração ao partido Democratic é grande
- The Chinese 崔 heaven 凱 foreign-affairs assistant secretary says, the “Japanese national interest”, the intimidation it is attached to either one of,
http://iza-ryusoo.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/2471521/ But, this speech has meant intimidation with does not understand probably will be in present Democratic party administration Mas, este discurso significou que a intimidação com não compreende provavelmente estará na administração atual do partido Democratic
- Diplomacy consideration the abrupt nuclear stop which is lacked
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/maruse1/e/97b5893f0d93aff1ed53f659d03547e1 In the first place nuclear plant the fact that the policy which is sold to the foreign country with top sales is promoted was the Democratic party administration which is not other things, a liberal translation No primeiro central nuclear do lugar o fato de que a política que é vendida ao país estrangeiro com vendas superiores está promovida era a administração do partido Democratic que não é outras coisas
- Droit et droit et conviction
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/rebellion_2006/e/a1264b9b2ce6f2cb010c2b4272a323a8 It will try thinking of the thing of the business division of labor that it set aside that, in the thing which the Democratic party did it gathered exceptionally wide support, Tentará pensar da coisa da divisão do negócio de trabalho que reservou que, na coisa que o partido Democratic fêz recolheu a sustentação excepcionalmente larga,
Democratic administration, Politics ,