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○■ キョッチと一緒に ァッショ... After in [kiyotsuchi] and simultaneous shopping the beginning sale with the fashion building, doing passing prayer in the year's first visit to the shrine with the big baggage is January 2nd of this year
○■ 2月も1週間経とう してい... It has been about that also February probably will pass 1 weeks, but opening, the ♪ which you question is with the [me] and after so long a time is, but because we would like to make 1 years which this year last year are complete in the same way we ask please may, a liberal translation
○■ 毎年初詣で揃えて る干支の土... Also the earth bell of the sexagenary cycle which every year has been arranged in the year's first visit to the shrine cracked, a liberal translation
○■ もちろんもう一つ 解説」には... _ of course one more “explain” to, the [te] have you inspect by yourself and with when call there be a merit that , a liberal translation
○■ たくさんの芽が出 いて驚くべ... The many buds having come out, the vital force which should be surprised
○■ If even then family every one it does not die, if it heals it is the sickness, calling and it is with that, a liberal translation
○■ それが普通なんだ てさ... That normally even what, a liberal translation
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