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○■ デジモンクロスウ ーズ 第2... [dejimonkurosuuozu] 20th story “dust zone, large scrap city of [gurandorokomon]!” * The last time, we knew the secret of [nene] “with the forest zone
○■ そして翌朝、目覚 てみると、... When and next morning, it tries awaking, the world had fallen to mayhem, a liberal translation
○■ Tune of [dejimonadobenchi ya] [te] animation it probably will put out, is, but remembering just that it is simply [pakuri] of [pokemon] which if is not known it is like w which it increases so you said the original, there was also [pakuri] of the cartridge [tsu] [chi],
○■ デジモンのミミの 子が飛ぶシー... The scene which the hat of [mimi] of [dejimon] flies the ♪♪ which is impressed commonly
○■ We think that it was poss ible to go from the o (^▽^) o heart which is the tremendously pleasant event with such such,* And in the following opening we have decided to ask the fact that it can participate ardently (^-^)/
○■ デジモンフロンテ ア 全5... [dejimonhuronteia] all the 50 stories
○■ いやいや、最初っ らキリハか... Well, well, first the [kiriha] parenthesis don't you think? it can obtain from the [tsu], the [e, a liberal translation
○■ “So it is what, don't y ou think? ......The data of [dejimon] which cannot be born being born, because soul of the coin rocker bay beads which are thrown away in the parent has fused, it is not possible to push down and
○■ デジモンの最初の でね... Don't you think? with first tune of [dejimon
○■ [buroguneta]: The rearing game [tsu] [te] you have done? At the time of the participation small-to-medium-sized student you did, (the *´ - the `) the cartridge [tsu] [chi] and [dejimon] kana
○■ デジモンテレビシ ーズ第2弾... With [dejimonterebishirizu] 2nd feature “[dejimonadobenchiya] 02”, it is the character which participated as hero side [dejimon] the latter half now as a friend of justice to be appearance it is even with the work, but… there is a comical scene strangely, in [metarugureimon] the [me] of hitting the [ri] it is the [ri] and the [chi] [yo] to be, with unhappy
○■ occクワガタヘッド. .. occ mulberry tree abnormal play head, a liberal translation
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