- It cannot move anymore, [sebachiyasun
http://myhome.cururu.jp/b_loveless/blog/article/61002828900 Today was sports festival, -, a liberal translation Hoje era festival dos esportes, -
- Not seeing becomes firm with not to be, the [so, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/gyakuten7493/entry-10239073426.html Today went to the new sky in the staff of entrance ceremony, it is, a liberal translation Foi hoje ao céu novo na equipe de funcionários da cerimónia da entrada, ele é
- Those where in day it occurs in day become slow
http://myhome.cururu.jp/peppera/blog/article/61002845883 Today occurred at 2 o'clock Ocorrido hoje em 2 horas
- Therefore gold earth day is hard, it is, in various ways., a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/bleach07150114/64897814.html Today beautifully girl cartoon day! With the [tsu] [te] feeling girl cartoon [tsu] temporary you bought, a liberal translation Hoje belamente dia dos desenhos animados da menina! Com [tsu] [te] os desenhos animados da menina do sentimento [tsu] provisórios você comprou
- weblog title
http://ryu-ke.cocolog-nifty.com/fantasy/2009/10/02-242a.html Because today the eye is to become tired, just a little doing tw, it increased Porque hoje o olho é se tornar cansado, apenas uma TW fazendo pequena, aumentou
Digimon, Anime, Video Game,