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○■ First and [tsu] [be]! It went around!? When with you think, flag this which is part starts and ends laughing no this the it ends in about 3 minutes ball the ball?
○■ 映画始まるまで暇 ったので、... Until the movie it starts, because it was spare time, going to the Gaea plug, the ufo catcher it is the red sandal wood after a long time, a liberal translation
○■ .…━━━☆.…━ ━☆.…The ━━━☆ ending (b) the scene of the separation with n seems impressive, is, but as for me remembering excessively, however increase it is…, there is the [tsu] [te] feeling which it ends at last because and, also the timing where the ended roll enters was good well enough, in appraisal b.…━━━☆.…━━━☆.…━━━☆ over-all judgment (a) from 76 point [daipa] in 100 perfect scores 4 years the [pokemon] complete new work which passes
○■ サマーウォーズ完 設定資料集... Summer wars complete setting data collection
○■ どこの話かと言う 上の画像が... The story of somewhere when you say, the picture above unintentionally with [dejimonkurosuuozu] op of the other day the picture under op at the time of 35 story
○■ By the way, use permissio n, rather than overtime in order to supply within 10 hours, is the company where the indication has been made
○■ それと今月はアニ ージュを買... That and this month [animejiyu] was bought, a liberal translation
○■ 【air】…あれは泣 だろ!... … The [ro] where that cries and is!! At above Good Heavens!, a liberal translation
○■ “[nemuriba]” being of ficial, notice of the Saitama edition it came! It is Saitama edition [tsu] [te] what…When with you think, this… w the local love which how is said
○■ ■自己紹介 01・curu r... * Self introduction as for the name with 01 cururu? aren@t.f
○■ * Being similar from the person, as for the show biz celebrity or character which is called the [ru]? However perhaps it probably is character with the character, Sano, a liberal translation
○■ …ガチやwww
し かし、名前... … But [gachi] and www, name why kelp www www
○■ Certain first [dejimon] d oes, the kind of air which is the elementary school student does time, it is, but, the kind of air which is stopped seeing normally midway does…, a liberal translation
○■ 特に数学はものす くヤバイw... As for especially mathematics tremendously [yabai] ww
○■ ちなみにどうでも いのですが... By the way, it is how to be good, but favorite [kiyara] is the photon 郎
○■ And new child!! … It is the friend, but don't you think? www furthermore the research interior www where flesh fell increased, a liberal translation
○■ こういうのの記憶 力はいいで... Because memory ability such is good, don't you think?
○■ デジモンは声優さ が二役とか三... Because as for [dejimon] the dubbing artist does two parts or three parts with moonlighting, amount and [beruzebumon] where [zenjirou] is reviving, there is no name in credit?
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