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○■ At least, I to do read an d/or do and/or cook and/or exercise, the game doing, when there is a [ru] time, touring etching thing would like and/or and/or
○■ 取り敢えず、雨風 凄かったで... Under the truth of the www opposite triangle where the taking Ae not obtaining and the rainy wind were enormous and are the extent which is not relationship www which has gotten wet as expected gulf section www, a liberal translation
○■ タギルはあれこれ る前に、ま... That this before doing as, the stomach and others it tries it will designate [tagiru] first and probably to go to the store of [masaru] of the obtaining and the same class
○■ Absorbing [abata], changi ng the form, the [ku] and it is dense, '[kuramon] [kurisarimon] -> [inhuerumon] -> [deiaboromon] evolving with the war game', [ku] hypothesis like
○■ アニメの感想は、 つもどおり... Thought of animation always was [gudaguda] of sort, but those where the attention is attracted were the breast of your [neruvua] older sister
○■ If my twitter disabled pe rson [tsu] [pu] [ri] is bleached, something the number of lines makes may the air does well enough, it is, but it does not do difficult putting out demand or such a thing
○■ やっぱースかバレ 赤だねぇ~... Don't you think? and [tsu] [pa] [su] or [bare] is red, the [e] ~, a liberal translation
○■ …何だかんだ言っ 、今までい... … It is what, you bit saying, the cartridge of life have not used until now
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