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○■ …まあまあ満足は ってるので... … So-so, satisfaction going, is [ru], but because the figure of sonic we wanted, it became the result which is again shown the degree of minor of the blue porcupine
○■ 09・お菓子会社a,森 永(ハ... 09 candy company a and Morinaga ([haichiyuu] [chiyokoboru] etc) b and with uha sense of taste party ([pu] [tsu] [chi] [yo] [shigekitsukusu] etc) which w, a liberal translation
○■ 03 favorite as for bevera ge? [oronamin] c apple juice 04 favorite as for cartoon? Liar game Urayasu etc…, a liberal translation
○■ 10・テレビa,地デジ b,ア... With 10 television a, area [deji] b and analog a area [deji] s, a liberal translation
○■ As for 08 constellation? The [tsu] [ke] w which is 1/3 [tsu] [te] what? As for 09 nickname? As for the reason where this nickname of [uori] is attached w which we leave to the imagination
○■ 05・好きな本は?
山田悠... 05 favorite as for book? If book of Yamada 悠 mediating/helping w 06 favorite as for tune? As for the stormy tune of exile almost favorite ^ω^ 07 favorite as for type? Kind if lovely character it is good, with who w, a liberal translation
○■ 昔のデジモン本と リジナル本... Because the [dejimon] book and the original book of former times were issued a little, that having, [ku] schedule
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