- Historical area [shidade] [vueriya] of [ribeira] great, a liberal translation
http://ikanetagire-diary.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-5499.html But well, [dejimon] the just a little view [re] it is it is, a liberal translation Но наилучшим образом, [dejimon] как раз маленький взгляд [re] он оно
- ogasawarashotou
http://ikanetagire-diary.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/09/post-712b.html However it is the meaning where well, [enbuo] the [u] [ri] [yo] [ku] returns to the origin and/or the [yu] [u] consequence [gu] is with, the hamadryas baboon end lug splash [tsu] questions and being is pushed down Тем ме менее смысль где наилучшим образом, [enbuo] [u] [ri] [yo] [ku] возвращает к началу and/or [yu] [u] последствию [gu] с, вопросы о выплеска волочения конца павиана hamadryas [tsu] и быть нажаты вниз
- Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
http://ikanetagire-diary.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/06/post-ab92.html Well, you dropped [shiyandera] and were not cut off and the [te] were pushed down, were pushed down in the [ri] [yu] good guaranty DOS and/or did but Наилучшим образом, вы упали [shiyandera] и не были отрезаны и [te] нажал вниз, нажал вниз в [ri] [yu] хороший DOS гарантии and/or сделал но
- [kuruen]/run gel - cent [iraiasu]/[gureishiya] bay/[tatsuchienshini] - [aruseku
http://ikanetagire-diary.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/10/---5aad.html But well, last being late Но наилучшим образом, на последнем месте был последне
Digimon, Anime, Video Game,