- , a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/nexusseed/e/c012ff8060d6a56ad9a2ef33ca2e5c31 X7 being [dejimonkurosuuozu] 44th story “mark! Heroical battle of [gurabimon]!!” ¡X7 que es [dejimonkurosuuozu] marca de la 44.a historia “! Batalla heroica de [gurabimon]!!”
- [animedejimonhuronteia] all the 50 stories, a liberal translation
http://pokekaizou.blog53.fc2.com/blog-entry-1477.html [dejimonhuronteia] all the 50 stories [dejimonhuronteia] todas las 50 historias
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/nexusseed/e/382ac22b563b7ebbfe886c0dcfe4ebff [dejimonkurosuuozu] 72nd story (the time you run, 18th story) “ufo dinosaur large gathering! [ekakimon] of dream” ¡[dejimonkurosuuozu] reunión grande del dinosaurio del UFO de la 72.a historia (el tiempo que usted funciona con, décimo octava historia) “! [ekakimon] del sueño”
- O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.
http://torrent-love.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/08/vocal-code-884c.html [dejimonkurosuuozu] vocal code, a liberal translation [dejimonkurosuuozu] código vocal
- The [za] is, it is
http://getaroh.blog62.fc2.com/blog-entry-792.html [dejimonkurosuuozu] it ended, a liberal translation [dejimonkurosuuozu] terminó
- Giving it is thick
http://getaroh.blog62.fc2.com/blog-entry-641.html [dejimonkurosuuozu] and [inazumairebun] you go to bed, [haa, a liberal translation [dejimonkurosuuozu] y [inazumairebun] usted se va a la cama, [haa
Digimon, Anime, Video Game,