- 5 o'clock is.
http://ameblo.jp/infintyboys/entry-10637817785.html There is [dejimon] and the [zetsutaijiyaru] [tsu]! Certain and base [beibe] (or [bo] [tsu] [ke] [e] tv) it is and Es gibt [dejimon] und [zetsutaijiyaru] [tsu]! Sicher und niedrig [beibe] (oder [BO] [tsu] [KE] [e,] Fernsehapparat) ist es und
- Now, venture evolves., a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/msn04acguy/entry-10612297500.html There being a [dejimon] [tsu] [te] framework, being able to do the fact that it is not possible, by the [ru] you were moved likely A [dejimon] [tsu] [te] dort seiend Rahmen, in der Lage seiend, die Tatsache, dass es nicht möglich ist, durch zu tun [ru] wurden Sie wahrscheinlich befördert
- [u] [hu] [hu, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/kuro4153/entry-10925454947.html The time when it recurs in [dejimon] is rather close, is Die Zeit, wenn sie innen wiederkehrt [dejimon] ist, ist ziemlich nah
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/kyoko-sun/entry-10690643340.html [dejimon], the married couple being even, the [dotsupurihama] [tsu] [te] it increased, a liberal translation [dejimon], das verheiratete Paar, das sogar ist, [dotsupurihama] [tsu] [te] erhöhte sich es
- Finally saw Samauozu --
http://ameblo.jp/masatono-sekai/entry-10406193366.html [dejimon] something to massage, because it probably will not try, however it probably is there is no problem, it was the feeling which the [dejiyabu] impression does certainly somewhat to the person you have seen, a liberal translation [dejimon] etwas zu massieren, weil es vermutlich nicht versucht, gleichwohl ist es vermutlich, gibt es kein Problem, es war das Gefühl, das der [dejiyabu] Eindruck zweifellos ein wenig die Person antut, die, Sie gesehen haben
- 夜明けまじか♪
http://blog.livedoor.jp/s2t2/archives/65060266.html The scene which the hat of [mimi] of [dejimon] flies the ♪♪ which is impressed commonly Die Szene, dessen Hut [mimi] von [dejimon] das ♪♪ fliegt, das allgemein beeindruckt wird
Digimon, Anime, Video Game,