- [dejimonjintoritsukusu] 02 now it is end of the month sale., a liberal translation
http://mercy-usagi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/post-83ab.html So, this time relation of this card work from this notification, a liberal translation Assim, esta relação de tempo deste trabalho do cartão desta notificação
- It could not renew, a liberal translation
http://myhome.cururu.jp/vivacelove/blog/article/91002706386 So, about the physical education conference of yesterday Assim, sobre a conferência da instrução física de ontem
- It is ......Well, varieties.
http://dream-illusion.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/11/post-57e0.html So, as for end interview of byte Assim, quanto para à entrevista do fim do byte
- Therefore gold earth day is hard, it is, in various ways., a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/bleach07150114/64897814.html So, present purchase ones Assim, compra atual umas
- アニソン祭だぉ!!
http://myhome.cururu.jp/aonosyuraba/blog/article/51002817995 So, the person ↓ which the friends sing, a liberal translation Assim, o ↓ da pessoa que os amigos cantam
- 久々の
http://ameblo.jp/imp-1994-evo-1997/entry-10243143239.html So, today singing is this Assim, hoje cantar é este
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