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○■ ←ちなみにまだ写 が出来て無... <- Because the photograph is not done by the way yet, sending from the friend with copying [me], the only photograph no [za] which has this one you receive in labor assistant it increases
○■ 11 day…So it is not, on e foot makes the soup of the cutting rice cake quickly on the 10th, after the ♪ which is schedule of New Year's Day feeling end, the chestnut it is to come at all, the black bean…The kana which how will be done (laughing)
○■ 食べそうになった を、慌てて... It may eat being flurried, you took becoming,
○■ Because as for me weak po int the rice cake, as for the father we are poor sweet ones, the mother and the older brother two, you ate
○■ 毎年のことですが これは儀式... It is every year, but don't you think? this is something like the ceremony!
○■ 昔の鏡は円形で、 の魂(心臓... The mirror of former times because with circle, soul of the person (the heart) shape is imitated, is assumed that it became the circular rice cake,, a liberal translation
○■ どうしても眠くな てしまった... When by any means it becomes drowsy, “the rice plant it stacks, when (it is and don't you think? it stacks)” with says it can escape from bewitchment
○■ これはなんの変装 すか?... Some disguise [tsu] it does this?
○■ Certainly, it probably me ans that the body and heart have finished to become tired (even now…), a liberal translation
○■ お汁粉を作る係な で、小豆と... Because it is the person in charge who makes the soup, buying the azuki bean and the sugar, it kept having the induction range at the company
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