- Cutting rice cake
http://ameblo.jp/k-aroma/entry-10431710937.html The [ze] it is the [za] to be, you being tasty,…Now whether New Year's Day-related roughness this “adjournment”… [Ze] é [za] ser, você que é saboroso,… agora se aspereza Dia-relacionada de ano novo este “adiamento”…
- Cutting rice cake
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/violet-vil/e/e530698e52e9019301bd1fbbccc6c696 The [ze] it is the [za] to be, preparing the rice ball and the like [Ze] é [za] ser, preparando a esfera de arroz e semelhante
- 三連休は。
http://tibika-chan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/01/post-8263.html The [ze] it is the [za] to be, when with the oden it makes, already evening (, a liberal translation [Ze] é [za] ser, quando com o oden faz, já nivelando (
Kagami biraki, japanese culture,