- Thing forgetting, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/8039fujisan/e/f77f878a740ff1bb55d87b3da810b4ae Because you cannot remember by any means, the head is made to teach, a liberal translation Porque você não pode recordar por nenhuma meios, a cabeça é feita para ensinar
- January 7th. Seven grasses of spring., a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/gin-momo-29/entry-11129476581.html By any means, by any means, patience not to be possible, the [te, a liberal translation Por alguns meios, por alguns meios, paciência não ser possível, [te
- [gimon] 20 question of New Year's Day action solution!
http://enchan7.cocolog-nifty.com/thinking/2012/01/20-5094.html When by any means it becomes drowsy, “the rice plant it stacks, when (it is and don't you think? it stacks)” with says it can escape from bewitchment Quando por algum meio se torna drowsy, “a planta que de arroz empilha, que (você não pensa? para ser, empilha,)” quando você diz, ele pode escapar do bewitchment
Kagami biraki, japanese culture,