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○■ To do that after and the [tsu] which day of the first day of the year for work about of 2 years ago, on the going to work middle is made prosperous you tumble, because you accomplished, we would like to evade also there,
○■ ああ、今年も始ま たなと、実... Well, this year it started, when is, it is instantaneous is realized
○■ As usual while the rain d oes not fall, because the end of year beginning of the year securely went to bed, you worried a little
○■ 今日は朝の9時か お昼まで... Today to the noon, you exchange the tire of the car to the stud less from 9 of morning o'clock, have doing the wax car washing go
○■ そして、次回の「 乃果応援団」... And, the next “head 乃 fruit cheer group” event May 28th (the Saturday) is the schedule which is done from around 15 o'clock!, a liberal translation
○■ しかし、天津神様 天孫降。系と... But, the Tianjing God way (heaven grandchild descending/disembarking. System rather than, God like heaven illuminating large God way series because) you do not go in Izumo, in the respective shrine is story very remains in impression
○■ 昨日、本日と断捨 の本の影... Yesterday, receiving the influence of the book of this day and stopping/deciding discarding separation, the beginning of the year? It did general cleaning
○■ 135日目(1月4日( ))... 135th day (January 4th (Wednesday)), a liberal translation
○■ <! -- insertpr (); --& gt; <! -- var hintsword=; var google_ad_amebaid='kitadaitakashi'; function showarrow (el) {el.classname=showadsarrow; } function hidearrow (el) {el.classname=hideadsarrow; } function jumpad (url) {window.location.href=url; }, a liberal translation
○■ (自分も気をつけ がら)エン... While (by your paying attention,) we would like to enjoy,
○■ 正月休みもあっと う間に終わ... Oh with while saying, it ends and also the New Year's Day day off today quickly is day of the first day of the year for work
○■ Don't you think? the curr ent morning which is the first day of the year for work was your infrequent good weather from this day, with, many stands there is a car which to the commuting middle has fallen to the rice field and the bank, don't you think? it probably means that the person who slips on the road where the signal breaks from basis and reaches, freezes is many, a liberal translation
○■ 本当は初詣に近所 氷川神社に... Truth was the schedule which goes into the Hikawa shrine of neighborhood in year's first visit to the shrine, but
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