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○■ 今日はいつもの稲 ケ崎ではな... Today usual Inamura not to be the promontory, on the 4th the ceremony of the first day of the year for work of the fisherman “. It tried going to the waist surpassing fishing port where the celebration” was done
○■ 今回レンタルした は、この機... Those where this time it rents are this machine, a liberal translation
○■ Now, my work probably is the day off, but it probably is earth day, but because everyday there is section life of 2, occurring in the 6:30, it is necessary to make breakfast
○■ みなさん正月はど 過ごされま... Was everyone New Year's Day how passed? When by your you say, the good year being densely, receiving the New Year's present, while thinking that this year and so on it may there be a good thing, “the tapir man
○■ なんだか去年の『t roubl... It is what, 'troublemaker' of last year forces bosom,… (the ^_^;) It was pleasant, the ~ and that drama (vigor comes out with ^^♪ Sho smile and…
○■ その後、夕方くら に上司の手... After that, because the hand of the superior was less crowded in about evening, when the is consulted,…
○■ Well well, such a by his “to begin work of the gold earth of the consecutive holiday opening”, how, you overcame 2 days,
○■ さて、今週もビバ アミーゴに... Well, this week [biba]! As for the wax which is wiped in the amigo it appears thin - this time 'with house special edition' to be published, to be larger than the usual the 載 [tsu] [chi] [ya] it is, the Friday Yomiuri Shimbun Company morning edition by all means by all means viewing, a liberal translation
○■ いつもより大幅に 間延長にな... Instead of wake patrol, who who become substantially time extension than the usual the complaint not saying and complaint everyone with the good face, a liberal translation
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