- As for work of GW12 consecutive holiday opening, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/tetsuyan766/entry-10886895511.html Well, persevering, if it finishes, because it is good thing 那么,坚持,如果它完成,因为它是好事
- “New Year's present” 2011.01.04, a liberal translation
http://clear-sky-3104.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/02/20110104-1a89.html Well, don't you think? with, the New Year's present it lifts, as for me 那么,您是否不认为? 与,它举的新年的礼物,至于我的
- Japanese talking
http://darsyu.air-nifty.com/blog/2011/01/post-dc0e.html Well…The great person does not change ignores the empty, this year at all, it is probably will be however 然而井…了不起的人不改变忽略空,今年,它是大概将是
- original letters
http://wwsimple.cocolog-nifty.com/simpleblog/2011/01/post-c066.html Don't you think? well, it is something like idling and rehabilitating, a liberal translation 您是否不认为? 那么,它是某事象虚度光阴和恢复原状
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