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○■ 正月休み
○■ “You obtain, the ~!? I doing the work preparation of the following day, and eat the boiled rice in 12 hours and must sleep entering the bath, it is,”, a liberal translation
○■ tweet check... tweet check
○■ my wedding…
○■ glay hope &hel... glay ho pe …, a liberal translation
○■ January 10th (month), a l iberal translation
○■ (順不同、ほぼ読 順(1)も... (Sequential difference, almost book-reading order less than as many as (1) (10) there is a superiority or inferiority, a liberal translation
○■ Therefore (as for jurisdi ction of stop wheel place, Kitakyushu city), a liberal translation
○■ 近所のスーパーも 日から営業... It does business from super today of neighborhood
○■ Recently, that more and m ore time, you thought is not enough, but yesterday, 'it is this it is,' with thinking one, a liberal translation
○■ 明日は津まで行く 事があるの... Tomorrow is to be the work which goes to Tsu, a liberal translation
○■ Your new edge there was a large quantity
○■ 我が家の人間はあ ほど魚介好... These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
○■ Being cold, [hihi] it is good, you looked at the show of the dolphin, a liberal translation
○■ 今日で最後ですが 今日も呑む... It is last at today, but the schedule which today drinks (laughing) society the kana which can be returned (laughing) is the anyhow, last day off enjoyed from tomorrow?, a liberal translation
○■ Present works are few the refore and, nearly the noon it is between to that, a liberal translation
○■ 今年はさらなる飛 に期待した... This year we would like to expect to further leap, a liberal translation
○■ Because this year the New Year's Day day off was short, while… with excuse to do, don't you think? the consequence which was passed lazily (the ^^; ; ; It is such a curator, but this year we ask may
○■ 今年は未曾有の震 が起こった... This year it is the year when unprecedented earthquake disaster happens
○■ The extent which becomes, therefore speaking wasted, being name?
○■ ちょっとうらやま くも感動し... Just a little you were impressed enviously! Before as for my parent, marriage 30th anniversary how it receives directly, because the father died, nothing doing,… on that, it is envious by his because it came to the point of going, every for at such event to be able to do the separate road immediately before the marriage 10th anniversary, is
○■ As for so there is no che er with something!? After that, the member coming out successively, lastly Oshima Yuuko appearance, a liberal translation
○■ そして正月用の売 残り?が、... And unsold item for New Year's Day? Seems that suddenly becomes cheap
○■ Immediately after such Ne w Year's Day day off if it is not the extent spare time which can receive holiday, because there is no superior of the kind workplace to there, only 7 and 8 days of earth day you can go by your, but
○■ この木樋は、四谷 ら発掘され... This wooden gutter is something which is excavated from four valleys
○■ Well - the [wa] which the [kapotsu] [te] good sound is done
○■ 自宅から第二阪奈 。陸橋まで... From home second 阪 奈 road. To bridge 6.5 kilometers, a liberal translation
○■ Always the streetcar whic h has been congested has been less crowded, the combining which probably is the good place, a liberal translation
○■ (〃⌒ー⌒〃)ゞ エ ヘ... (⌒ - ⌒) HKDRT [ehehe
○■ With being the case that it is said, the pad in order for there to be [burogu] of the wife, stretched the poster on the gate, but the paper construction like the photograph in the entrance of the entryway was made
Closed New Yearu0026#39;s,