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○■ 正月休みも終わり 新年会も... The moment which ends also the New Year's Day day off, New Year party is many, please self-love
○■ And, it moves to the fron t shrine and it is certain victory prayer, a liberal translation
○■ あけましてのタイ ルはコレです... Opening, the [za] which you question with the [me]…
○■ Finishing the New Year's Day day off, when you think that work started, 3 consecutive holidays
○■ いまだ物。健在 正 月休み前、気... Still the thing. Before the healthy New Year's Day going to bed, the [tsu] [te] where the air comes it is the empty it does to the [za] which is troubled with also the place where the size making a mistake [chi] [ya] [tsu] it is the empty you put next
○■ It is 2012, the better seed
○■ 今日からお正月休 のダンナ・... From today [danna] [hiroshi] of New Year's Day day off (kana), a liberal translation
○■ And tomorrow Christmas eve
○■ しかし、路上を走 勇気が出な... But, the senior and Yamanaka of the office extend the hand in me where the courage which runs road surface does not come out,
○■ Because the New Year's Da y day off was put, about 1 month and half it is required to for the receipt
○■ 明日からはまたお 事モードで... In addition from tomorrow it is work mode
○■ Tag: Seki [jiyani] XXINF
○■ それにしもて、さ がお正月の... Make that and have, as expected New Year's Day Kyoto, a liberal translation
○■ 2011/12/26
○■ とりあえず録って 特番みよう♪... You record temporarily special service code the ♪ which will be seen
○■ With it was the first day of the year for work from the question, but New Year's Day you go to bed, opening, pace return…
○■ 今日で長かった正 休みも終わ... Of the day off where also the long New Year's Day day off is end at today every year it went to usual Yanaitsu lastly, however it was cold in the super, snowstorm,… When the seeing lottery is pulled, it seems that at a stroke this year when it has become happy luck is good from the year beginning
○■ The popularity article of this [burogu] in cold day the [ri] which the [gu] [tsu] is done the person who sleeps (1) if you sleep skillfully we would like to designate be too hard the mat as the software it can lose weight?
○■ 今年もよろしくお いします... This year we ask may
○■ These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
○■ お正月休みも残す ころあと二日... At the point where also the New Year's Day day off leaves two days after! New Year's Day of this year stops and/or is without going out everywhere, the leprosy*
○■ “- Up-to-date article 2 012 commencement of star - music story” category your good year! Why x-[huairu] tbs pack in music 2011
○■ お正月休みらしく ごせました... New Year's Day you went to bed and could pass to seem
○■ It receives the New Year' s Day day off, thank you, 19 days (the water) day of the week with decision, 18 (the fire) 20 (the wood) both goes to bed, are 2 consecutive holidays, a liberal translation
○■ 最近の画像つき記
[ 画像一... Recent picture being attached article [to picture summary, a liberal translation
○■ I also have many articles Gudaguda year and
○■ But things are still sell ing for
○■ While今更Alright, I wou ld like to write a bit about New Year *
○■ Now, the annual New Year new year s cup is a hard-fought brilliantly制Shimashita players Tokumasu Hideki
○■ I like this tune, thank y ou again this year
Closed New Yearu0026#39;s,