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○■ 今年はなんといっ も東日本大... This year after all east Japanese large earthquake disaster
○■ Because this year the New Year's Day day off was short,
○■ みなさん良いお年 !!... Everyone your good year!!
○■ Temporarily, if consecuti ve holiday you open and [oyatsu] it does not go to buying
○■ とっても久しぶり 正月休みを... Very it received the infrequent New Year's Day day off, a liberal translation
○■ With it cut with the noti on that where you say and, listed the goal of 10 well but, when looking back on end of year, how it has become?
○■ でも、買って会社 水槽に入れ... So, buying, the [tsu] [te] which you insert in the tank of the company the parenthesis attaching, being the [ru] like, [ya] it put out also the fact that you say, had decided to try raising by your, a liberal translation
○■ Therefore so, year-end pa rty, as for New Year party forcing participation don't you think?
○■ その点、このブロ は長い文章... At this point in time, long composition can write this [burogu] and, it can also look back with itself whether I think of what several years, ago do what conduct at
○■ Well, at the time of New Year first logbook renewal, goal setting of this year, a liberal translation
○■ さて、借りて来た はほとんど... Well, the book which is borrowed was something the majority regarding kendo
○■ It is the present [wa] he rmitage main
○■ これで新しい車検 を取得... Acquiring new car verification now
○■ Also your this [tsu] [te] money being the same, the shank
○■ いろんな資料もね (いつか必... Don't you think? the various data, (once upon a time it becomes necessary)
○■ It is to go to usual time , but usually although the [te], swims may the extent person is not more as the [gara] - [n] [tsu], the person was fairly well only yesterday, and others the [tsu] plain gauze was - (laughing)
○■ 2011年もスタ トいたしま... We started also 2011
○■ Today nationwide is day o f end of 3 consecutive holidays at “day of respect for the aged”, but Koike's company is to be going to work day
○■ 2012あけましておめ でとう... 2012 opening, you question with the [me], it is!! This year we ask off-scouring may, a liberal translation
○■ 2011 (…
○■ 良い年をお迎えく さい... Please enter good year, a liberal translation
○■ Me either the husband is not possible to care of the next woman, a liberal translation
○■ 今週は遅番で、夕 からの出勤... But this week it is slow in the turn, going to work from evening the company works safely kana? Commuting road all right kana?
○■ In addition, future, as f or this topic, you try to try writing
○■ ちょっとしたリハ リですね... With little rehabilitation shank, a liberal translation
○■ But, there is a soldier/f inishing research before that, it is with the shank
○■ 「人魚のバカンス が向かって... “Vacation of the mermaid” facing, because it is the left side, as for this tune, with the right, a liberal translation
○■ Nevertheless the New Year 's greeting card and general cleaning and still work of end of year has become accumulation
○■ 2011年も半年 過ぎました... Half year passed also 2011
○■ The New Year's Day day of f ending, therefore immediately, you become tired unexpectedly and perhaps, the [chi] [ya] [u] however the ~ how, our body of work is done the [gu] has awakened the [ri
Closed New Yearu0026#39;s,