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○■ なんてったって仕 始めであっ... How, the [tsu] passing, it is on January 4th is the first day of the year for work to receive commission delivery from Governor Siyougo Arai because…! Don't you think? it is defeated to the PR of Miyazaki prefecture and the [ji] and, does very*
○■ そして、早速、1 6日から1... And, the 17th sisters capital which promptly, from January 6th to 10 days is opened in Miyazaki city. You take a business trip to Kashihara and Miyazaki product spreading/displaying and are faced to first work, a liberal translation
○■ あの後、なんだっ なあ... After that, the [tsu] [ke] which is what, a liberal translation
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