- Opening,…
http://iwa-pre.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/01/post-fd30.html Very this year jumping up and down, it is potato to make year of ~ leap 非常今年上下跳跃,它是做年的土豆~飞跃
- The year after a critical age
http://ibukiibuki.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/01/post-af47.html This year being good year, desired it is potato!, a liberal translation 今年是好年,渴望它是土豆!
- [burogu] beginning
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/punipuni_tmk/38571393.html This year it is very good start 今年它是非常好开始
- weblog title
http://lovemarorin.seesaa.net/article/179159295.html This year we would like to try to be good year being the shank, a liberal translation 今年我们希望设法是好的年小腿
Started work, Reportage, Business,