- The happiness which the sleeping cell is achieved, a liberal translation
http://ryoryoryoryo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-3d10.html Morning of tomorrow [nonbiri] is possible, - the ♪♪♪, a liberal translation A manhã do amanhã [nonbiri] é possível, - o ♪♪♪
- It is quick the [tsu]! This speed of what!
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/r_0916/e/ffb52cc6f260747b8b3f1aa79ccdb6ea Tomorrow my desk, becoming some state, kana of the [ru]? Only the fearful spectacle it floats, is Amanhã minha mesa, transformando-se algum estado, kana do [ru]? Somente o espetáculo que temível flutua, é
- Homemade miso making!
http://ameblo.jp/inohiroblog/entry-11126772084.html As for the soybean it becomes large in morning of tomorrow, becomes all the way this big bucket, a liberal translation Quanto para ao feijão de soja torna-se grande na manhã do amanhã, transforma-se toda a maneira esta cubeta grande
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://chatmaison.cocolog-nifty.com/chatmaison1/2011/03/post-ed03.html Tomorrow, we would like to heal already a little, is, a liberal translation Amanhã, nós gostaríamos de curar já um pouco, somos
Started work, Reportage, Business,