- Generally known, [kosumonauto].
http://blog.livedoor.jp/hit_in_the_world/archives/52208469.html I knew that time little bit, a liberal translation 我知道那时候少许位
- Book-reading time 2 (from episode at time “of first love” photographing)
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ty4401/e/9eb96b4254130a82a0f0e2e0a8c8353c I did not think the accident of day before exaggeratedly 我没有认为事故天在被夸大之前
- These are a Lots of Japanese the most recent topics.
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/itunalily/20110121 Being able to rely on, in the person whom it has done securely, “now then when something being, you explain that for the sake of, extra day is taken”, but the person who starts getting angry with the it is not, a liberal translation 能依靠在,在它安全地做了的人, “喂,当是的某事,您解释那为时,额外天需要”,但是开始生气与的人它不是
- Japanese weblog
http://ameblo.jp/zakfineblog/entry-10758931091.html When you take the photograph of your own car my private jinx by your, because of the jinx that, accident it is done, it does not place the photograph, but liking well enough, it increases, a liberal translation 当您由您,由于说不祥话的人它做的,事故时采取您自己的汽车的照片我的私有说不祥话的人,它不安置照片,但是喜欢还好,它增加
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