- New Year's Day praising beauty* Cooking and hot spring
http://ameblo.jp/mfleur-pre/entry-11126367270.html And, now morning outside of the window the how sky threatens snow! Und, jetzt Morgen außerhalb des Fensters, wie Himmel Schnee bedroht!
- It pulls today and is confined the ♪, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/forest83/entry-10773029912.html And, this week full!!!!, a liberal translation Und, diese Woche voll!!!!
- [a] empty vigor* Smile World of smile 39, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/ayukawahonoka/entry-10882820581.html And, the next “head 乃 fruit cheer group” event May 28th (the Saturday) is the schedule which is done from around 15 o'clock!, a liberal translation Und, das folgende „Haupt乃 Fruchtbeifall-Gruppen“ Ereignis 28. Mai (der Samstag) ist der Zeitplan, der von herum 15 Uhr erfolgt ist!
- Work it starts beginning. The [tsu] [te] sabotage [tsu] [te] what writing suddenly, the [ru] it is?
http://noir-chee.air-nifty.com/niceday/2012/01/post-24c7.html And, as for participation being decided with that direct appeal, a liberal translation Und, wie für die Teilnahme, die mit diesem direkten Anklang entschieden wird
Started work, Reportage, Business,