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○■ 「スポーツ全般」 テゴリの最... “All sport” as for victory of Central League of the up-to-date article professional baseball of category, now Japanese-Chinese day at Yakult… As for victory of Central League of the professional baseball, when it is current state, Yakult… Thinking concerning 200 these hits of [ichiro]…
○■ しかも一死から本 くんに出塁... Furthermore as it comes out to Honda of one death and after permitting the base, the inner river as for the tournament end scene, change [sadogorogetsutsu] result with hitter 3, with Tokorozawa from the next day it attaches the spirit bounce vis-a-vis northeast optimistic game,
○■ ソフトバンクホー ス
リーグ優... With [sohutobankuhokusurigu] victory commemoration sale,
○■ ○ Seibu 4−3 Nippon Me at Packers, Inc. - (18 days Seibu dome) ○ software bank 4−1 Orikkusu- (18 days Kyocera dome)
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○■ 1 Yakult 9-1-0.9002 middl e day 5-2-2.7143 giant 4-4-1.5004 Osaka and Kobe 3-4-1.4295 Hiroshima 2-7-0.2226 Yokohama 1-6-0.143, a liberal translation
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○■ ヤクルトは阪神と 戦しました... Yakult opposed with Osaka and Kobe, a liberal translation
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○■ ここで岡田にタイ リーを打た... Here in Okada timely with striking 0−2, a liberal translation
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